Snowflake Method Step 8

Mike, Pexels

Snowflake Method Step 8: Scenes means spreadsheets!

Recommended time: A week

Using a spreadsheet, go through your 4/5 page outline and make a list of scenes. Create one row per scene and use additional columns to add useful details such as the point of view character, chapter and anything else you want.

Tip: For those who prefer to do this physically, index cards or good sized post it notes can also work. They don’t work for me, even though I prefer to write with pen and paper. Try different things, see what works!

Tip 2: if you’ve done NaNo Prep before, check out the site because the last two weeks have been condensed and a new week added - find a community


Inktober 2023: 16 angel


Inktober 2023: 15 dagger