In the House: Autumn 2023

Autumn has fallen across the House. There is a chill in the air and leaves on the ground. Even as the seasons bring death, it is a time of beginnings. The House is here to guide you on a creative journey.

New rooms opening in Autumn 2023:

The Snug - hide away as the cold sneaks in and finish off all the projects left undone

  • Do It December 2023

The Office - where creative projects actually get done

  • Preptober 2023 - Snowflake Edition

  • NaNoWriMo 2023

The Office: Preptober 2023 - Snowflake Edition

Cottonbro Studio, Pexels

Preptober will start on Monday 18 September 2023 and run until 31 October 2023

You may or may not have come across the Snowflake method by Randy Ingermanson, who tells us he is the mad professor of fiction writing. The snowflake method is based on the idea of writing a small amount and then expanding it again and again until you have your outline and, ultimately, your book. Throughout Preptober I will post the steps outlined on his website for people to complete: along with me. The idea is to have an outlined novel ready for NaNoWriMo.

How am I doing this challenge?

I am going to be using this challenge to prepare for NaNoWriMo and I will be going through all the steps.

How am I preparing for this challenge?

I am going to read the book that accompanies this method How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method.

The Office: NaNoWriMo 2023

Ksenia Chernaya, Pexels

NaNoWriMo will run from 1 November 2023 to 30 November 2023.

And now we’re ready to start. 50,000 words. 1 month.

How am I doing this challenge?

I will be trying to complete NaNoWriMo in 2023. I managed this last year, but failed the two years before that. I’ll post my word counts and project.

How am I preparing for this challenge?

I will be completing the Preptober challenge above to get ready. I’ll also have a playlist and some materials that help me ‘get into the flow’ for writing. Artists often do a warm up before they start work, and I find doing something like that helps me too.


Cottonbro Studio, Pexels

This challenge is about getting things done. The year is drawing to a close. Remember that list? The one you wrote in January? Spend some time finishing something from that list. Or finish your NaNoWriMo novel. Or anything else you want to get done in 2023. Do it.

How am I doing this challenge?

I wrote a list of things I wanted to do in 2023. I’ll be ignoring that completely and coming up with a list of things I want to get finished by the end of the year that is achievable.

How am I preparing for this challenge?

I have a couple of ideas already and I’ll be working to see if I can get them to an achievable state. For example, I set myself a reading challenge, which I need to keep working on if I want to be able to finish it off in December.

Coming in 2024 …


Preptober 2023 - Snowflake Edition


Welcome to the house